Use Case Definition
Use-case diagram is a diagram of the UML model is used to describe the
functional requirement expected of a system. Use-case diagrams insists on the
"who" is doing "what" in the environment of the system
software will be built. Use-case diagrams actually consists of two major parts;
the first is a use case diagram (use case dependencies including images) and
use case description.
Use-case diagram is a graphical representation of some or all of the actor,
the use-case, and the interactions among these components that introduce a
system that will be built. Use-case diagrams describe the benefits of a system
when viewed according to the views of people who are outside the system. This
Diagram shows the functionality of a system or class and how these systems
interact with the outside world.
Use-case diagrams can be used during the analysis process to capture system
and the requirement to understand how the system is supposed to work. During
the design phase, the use-case diagram acts to set behavior (behavior) when the
system is implemented. In a model there may be one or more of the use-case
diagram. Needs or requirements system is what functionality should be provided
by the system are then documented in the use-case model which describes the
expected system functions (use-case), and surrounds them (actor), as well as
the relationship between actor and use-case (use-case diagram) itself.
● Use case class used to model and stating the unit functions/services
provided by the system (or system parts: subsystems or classes) to the wearer.
● Use case can be covered with limits on a system that is labeled name
● Use case is something that provides measurable results to users or
external systems.
– Use cases is the interaction or dialogue between system and actor,
including the exchange of messages and the actions taken by the system.
– Use cases initiated by the actor and the role may involve other actors.
Use cases should provide a minimum of one actor.
– Use cases could have an extension which defines special measures in
interaction or another use case may be inserted.
– Use case class has an object called use case scenarios. The scenario
stated order message and a single action.
Here's how to draw a use-case diagram:
Before making the use-case diagram, we recommend that you start with making
the FDD first. This is just to help identify the processes in the system.
1) Begin by registering an actor associated with the Use-case, as both the
sender and the receiver.
2) component in the use-case diagram is the Use-case Descriptions, Use-case
and actors participating and its role.
3) Discover the semantic relationships demonstrate dependency between two
Use-case. If the Use-case "A" changes can result in a Use-case
"B" will be changed anyway.
There are 2 kinds of dependency to note that include and extend.
Dependency include:
A Use-case can include updating the functionality of Use-case to another as
part of the process in itself. In general it is assumed that the Use-case that
you include will be called every time the Use-case is to include executed
normally. A Use-case can include by more than one Use-case, so that duplication
of functionality can be avoided by means of pulling out common functionality.
Use case is a set of/description of a group of intertwined and form a
system of regularly conducted or supervised by an actor. Use case was used to
create tingkah-laku objects/things in a model as well as in never achieved by a
collaboration. General use case is described with an ellipse with a solid line,
typically contains the name.Use case illustrates the process system (system
requirements from the user's point of view).
In general use case is:
System behavior patterns:
-Order related transactions are performed by a single actor
Use case diagram consists of:
-Use case
-System boundary boxes (optional)
-Packages (optional)
A use case diagram at its simplest is a representation of a user's
interaction with the system and depicting the specifications of a use case. A
use case diagram can portray the different types of users of a system and the
various ways that they interact with the system. This type of diagram is
typically used in conjunction with the textual use case and will often be
accompanied by other types of diagrams as well.
Use case above there are 2 actors i.e. User and admin. The User can make
changes to the profile, modify the template, can do a post and can also reply
to comments from the visitors. However, the User must first Login using your
email and password that have been listed on the blog. In the profile, the User
can change the profile or create a new profile. In the settings of the
template, the user can change the templates or add new templates. The User can
also make new postings or postings that have been changed in the previous post.
In the blog, there is the comment from the visitor, User can reply to the
comment or delete comment previously.
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